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London Mini Marathon 2023

TCS Mini Marathon 2023

Last Saturday 90 girls from Reception to Sixth form took part in the Mini London Marathon. It was wonderful to see such happy girls before, during and after the 2.6km Mini Marathon run. The afternoon was the 1mile run, in which some of our youngest girls ran and their parents. 👏👏👏We are so proud of each and every one of you and hope you enjoyed this most special of events. In years to come they may even take on the full course #Inspired

TCS Mini Marathon 2023

All of the photos have been uploaded to Firefly and can be seen by clicking on the collage above

Staff Runners

Huge congratulations also to 3 members of staff who also completed the actual marathon on Sunday! Mrs Marker, Mr Routley and Mrs Brittain

Staff London Marathon Runners 2023