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Prep Sports Board Nov 4th

Half Term 1km Challenge

Year 2 Football v Feltonfleet

Year 2 Football v Feltonfleet

On Tuesday Year 2 travelled away to play in their first ever match against another school. We were playing football against Feltonfleet on this occasion. It was a very positive experience for the girls, who enjoyed their matches.

U11 Hockey v FF

U11 Hockey v Feltonfleet

Thank you to Feltonfleet who hosted our U111A-C teams. The girls put up a good effort against strong Feltonfleet teams. We didn’t win our games but we did have some moments of brilliance, unfortunately the ball never saw the back of the goal. 

Next week we take on Downsend and look forward to trying our newly leant skills from lessons this week.  

U10 Hockey v St Teresa’s

U10 Hockey v St Teresas

 The U10D and E teams playing St Teresa’s on Tuesday, which some great success. This was some of the girls first matches and it was great to see them using the skills they have been taught. The D team won 4-1 and the E team lost 0-4. 

Thank you to Emily, Alecia, Charlotte from the senior school who came down to umpire the matches. 

1Km half term Challenge

 Over half term the girls were set the challenge of running 1km as fast as they can, earning 5HP for their efforts. They had the extra challenge of beating Mrs Purgavie’s time of 5:32min. It was great to see so many parents and ND girls out running. 

Half Term 1km Challenge

Saturday U9 Tournament

Good luck to those U9 girls kicking off their netball season at the Rowan Netball tournament on Saturday. Although we are just starting netball, this tournament will be great experience for all those who are playing. 


All of the sports fixtures can now be found on SOCS which can be accessed by clicking on the socs badge below:

SOCS - sports calendar

(you should have been sent your password from the school office)

Outside School Sporting News

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email


Huge congratulations to Ana who was awarded a certificate in gymnastics before half term!

Ana M - Gymnatics Certificate

Mrs Purgavie