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11+ Scholarships (Year 7)

Candidates are invited to apply for 11+ academic, art, music, sport, and drama scholarships. To find out more about the requirements, please see the relevant information below or contact the Admissions Team,, 01932 869993.
We are seeking scholars who have potential in and a genuine passion for art and design. In order to demonstrate this, candidates are requested to submit a digital portfolio of a creative set of work of up to 10 slides.
  • The digital portfolio could include paintings, drawings, collage, print-making, textiles, photographs and other craft samples.
  • The work can include art ideas produced at home as well and at school.
  • The work should demonstrate the candidate’s knowledge of observational drawing, painting and design ideas.
  • It should also demonstrate the use of colour and ability to work with a variety of materials.
  • Sculptures and other 3D work must be photographed and presented as part of the digital portfolio.
Practical assessment: Following an evaluation of all submissions, candidates may be invited to the practical assessment. During the assessment, candidates will be required to produce an observational drawing within one hour. This will be explained in full on the day. All materials and subject matter will be provided.
All candidates will be invited to audition. The audition process is informal and relaxed, as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best. Students will be asked to perform unaccompanied or use their submitted accompaniment score. For the audition, each candidate should be prepared to:
  • perform two contrasting solo pieces on her FIRST instrument.
  • perform a solo on her SECOND instrument/voice, if more than one instrument.
  • undertake some simple aural tests.
  • provide information on her level of skill (for example, grade exams) and involvement in music in or out of school.
As part of the audition, the Director of Music will talk to the candidate about her music interests and activities as well as general interests and involvement in school life and outside school. Candidates awarded a scholarship will be expected to make a strong contribution to the musical life of the school and encouraged to follow the music course to GCSE. They are also expected to complement their instrumental/vocal studies by participating in selected music ensembles and a choir.

Sport Scholarships are awarded to students with a proven high level of sporting ability and potential. Candidates are expected to offer at least one sport to a high standard. Candidates must also demonstrate flair for acquiring new skills as well as a passion and commitment to sport in general. It is expected that sport scholars will play a full role in the sporting life of the school.

All candidates must submit a written record of their sporting achievements including scanned or photos of awards and certificates, and photos of any cups or medals received. Please do not submit cups, medals, or original certificates or awards.

The written record could include:
  • how long the candidate has been participating in her chosen sport or sports.
  • school/club/county or national participation and level courses attended, awards gained (along with awarding body/level/year achieved)
  • details of positions of responsibility (e.g. captain)
  • references from sports club coaches
  • candidate’s aspirations
  • candidate’s other interests, sporting or otherwise, in and out of school
  • any other relevant information to support the candidate’s application.
Practical assessment: Candidates will be assessed in a variety of fundamental motor skills as well as their ability in a selection of activities.
Please see the list below and provide as supporting evidence when applying for a drama scholarship.
  • A list of drama activities and productions in which the candidate has participated.
  • Any LAMDA/Guildhall/Festival comments sheets, if applicable.
  • A short review written by the candidate of no more than 500 words evaluating a drama production they have seen. This will form the basis for an informal discussion.
Auditions: Following an evaluation of all supporting evidence, candidates may be invited to audition. The audition process is informal and relaxed as we want candidates to enjoy the experience and perform at their best. Candidates will need to have prepared a short character monologue from a play of no more than two minutes in length and be prepared to participate in a group drama workshop. Regrettably, due to the group work undertaken, alternative assessment dates are not available.

16+ Scholarships (Sixth Form)

Candidates are invited to apply during Year 11 for 16+ academic, art, music, sport, and drama scholarships.

To find out what is involved in the 16+ academic, art, drama, music, and sport scholarships, please see the relevant information below or contact the Admissions Team,, 01932 869993.

Academic scholarships in the Sixth Form are awarded based on the results of a scholarship examination, an interview, and the student’s mock examination results. The 45-minute online examination assesses logic, comprehension and thinking skills and is not subject specific. It consists of reading comprehension, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. The students will be able to draw on a range of skills and experiences from the varied elements of their GCSE courses and it is not necessary to prepare for this exam. We use Atom Learning for our examination who work with more than 100 independent schools.
An interview will take place during which students will be asked to show a portfolio of work (which can be examination pieces if they wish – art and/or textiles) and should contain any extension work or creative work completed independently in addition to the project work completed in school.

A performance, aural test and interview will take place. Students are required to prepare two contrasting pieces on their first instrument/voice. The combined performances should last no more than 10 minutes. If the candidate has a second instrument/voice, then they should also prepare one piece lasting no more than four minutes.

Those holding the award will be expected to make a strong contribution to the musical life of the school. All music scholars will also be required to be members of the school orchestra, at least one of the choirs, and other chamber ensembles as directed by the Head of Music.

Students are required to submit a short covering letter, no longer than one side of A4, stating why they think they should be awarded a sport scholarship. An interview will also take place in which students will be invited to talk about their sporting achievements.
An interview will be followed by the student’s performance of two contrasting audition monologues, each of no more than three minutes in length, one of which should be a period text. Students are also invited to submit a written review, not exceeding 1,000 words, of a production they have seen at any time (live theatre production or a theatre production viewed via an online source). The review might cover the acting performances, design ideas and directorial elements. All drama scholars will be encouraged to be involved in the extra-curricular drama productions and events in the school.


No prospective Notre Dame parent need feel that they cannot afford to send their daughter(s) to study at the school. In line with Charity Commission public benefit guidelines, the Heads and Governors of the school are delighted to offer financial provision for parents who might be unable to pay the fees to have their daughter(s) educated at Notre Dame School.

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