Languages for All /
Languages for Life
In Languages we are a team of dynamic teachers who strive to provide all pupils with a positive and successful language learning experience.
We aim to develop your child’s ability to use Languages effectively for uses of practical communication and to acquire the skills and attitudes which will form a sound basis for further study, work and leisure. We also encourage our students to become independent learners.
Three Modern Foreign Languages (French/Spanish/German) and Latin are offered as part of the core curriculum. There are also opportunities to study Italian and Mandarin. All students study at least one Language for GCSE, because we strongly believe that Languages will give your daughter better opportunities in life.

We offer residential trips to France, Germany and Spain.
Many cultural opportunities are offered outside the classroom such as:
- Drama workshops in the Target Language
- Events and talks at Southampton University
- National and regional competitions
- Our students are encouraged to subscribe to Language magazines and to do work experience abroad to boost their cultural and language knowledge.