Model United Nations is a simulation of the real United Nations. Students from all over the world take part in the conferences. At a conference students debate on economic and social issues in committee meetings including the General Assembly and other separate committees. Committees include the Social-Economic Council, the Human Rights Council and the Disarmament and International Security Committee.
At its founding, the United Nations had 51 member states; there are now 193. The headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City. The United Nations is an association of independent countries that agreed to work together to prevent and end war. The UN also attempts to improve social conditions by promoting international cooperation, economic development, public health, environmental conservation, and human rights. Members of the UN are supposed to cooperate peacefully and resolve differences diplomatically rather than rely on force.

Why should someone take part in Model United Nations? This scheme is an international initiative designed to inspire young people to become global citizens and allow them to learn about current events affecting the world today, become interested in politics and improve their confidence and public speaking skills. Furthermore; at a time when tensions in international relations are on the rise it is important for us to practise diplomacy and compromise and to promote peace between all nations. Former Model United Nations members include Chelsea Clinton, Ban-Ki Moon, Samuel L. Jackson and Barack Obama.
This year so far, we have taken part in a Model United Nations conference at the Royal Grammar School in Guildford which took place on Saturday 20th November. In previous years Notre Dame students have taken part in conferences at Guildford High School and Epsom College where they had to create their own resolutions on matters being discussed and debate against other delegates representing different countries; all countries in the UN are represented and the delegate has to keep strictly to the perspective of their country. This time our students represented Japan, Colombia and Morocco. It is a fantastic initiative to get involved with.